Coronavirus: Further guidance issued
March 17, 2020
Following the decision reached to suspend face to face teaching from 9am on Tuesday (17 March), NESCol has issued further guidance to students, staff and stakeholders.
Limited access to College facilities remains available this week for students who require access to collect personal items or specific resources. The intention is for all College staff to be working off-site from the close of business on Friday (20 March).
Neil Cowie, NESCol Principal and Chief Executive, said: “The health and wellbeing of all students, staff, stakeholders and visitors is the clear priority. I must thank all of those groups for their support in a fast-moving situation as NESCol takes positive action in line with evolving national guidance.
“Teaching and support staff are working together to minimise the disruption caused by the closure of our buildings – we aim to continue learning where possible, using online tools, and ensure support for students is maintained. Whilst our buildings will close, the College’s work must continue and we are committed to delivering on behalf of our students in very challenging circumstances.
“We appreciate the uncertainty students are faced with in relation to progression with their studies at this time. We are liaising closely with the Scottish Government, awarding bodies and the wider College sector to ensure we have a joined-up approach. Detail will follow on the next steps but I can provide reassurance that NESCol is determined to ensure studies are completed and that the potential impact on exams, graded units and assessments is addressed as a matter of urgency.”
Guidance has been provided to students in key areas:
- Support: The Student Advice Centre will operate an online service. The team can be contacted at studentadvice@nescol.ac.uk . Online support resources, particularly in relation to mental health and wellbeing, can continue to be accessed through MyNescol.
- Safeguarding: Responsibilities in relation to safeguarding are not affected. Contact in relation to a safeguarding issues can be made through Academic Tutors.
- Student Support Funds: No individual should be disadvantaged or suffer financial stress due to the Coronavirus outbreak and funds, with the exception of travel expenses, will continue to be paid. If individual circumstances change, for example existing employment ceases, students should notify the team at studentfunding@nescol.ac.uk at the earliest opportunity to explore options for financial assistance.
- Placements: As part of the College’s role in mitigating against the further spread of Coronavirus, any work placements related to NESCol studies have been suspended.
- Access to digital learning: A limited number of devices will be made available on a loan basis to those who are not enrolled on a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) course. Students who do not have internet access are advised to contact their Academic Tutor to allow individual circumstances to be considered.
Additional guidance includes:
- Applications continue to be accepted for 2020/21 enrolment. Applicants awaiting interview or notification in relation to their application will receive direct correspondence at the earliest opportunity.
- College events, including the open evening scheduled for Fraserburgh on Thursday (19 March), have been cancelled. The College will not be taking part in external public events.
- Part-time courses have been suspended until further notice. Students will be notified directly of arrangements for their course.
Updates will continue to be provided as further information and advice becomes available. Communication will be by student and staff email, through the external website at www.nescol.ac.uk, College social media accounts and via MyNescol.